At the start of the Pandemic, the thing that struck us about Covid-19 was its potential to affect everybody and the havoc that it was likely to wreak on all of our lifestyles. It therefore felt really important that BradTog be not about "doing to" but about "doing together": facilitating mechanisms for support that coud be available to everybody living in our community.
There are three BradTog Mututal Aid projects being coordinated by members of our Steering Group, with more information on the following pages:
1. Practial help with tasks like shopping, our first initiative which aimed initially to help those shielding or self-isolating during the pandemic, but remains available to anyone in need of help for whatever reason.
2. The BradAid Hardship Fund, offering modest financial grants to local people in need of immediate financial help from funds donated by local people and organisations.
3. BradTog Mental Health Matters, a growing community of folk interested in mental health and wellbeing; and how Bradninch can be a community that is aware and that cares.
There's also a page on other local, national and international sources of help that we're aware of but not directly involved in.